AI Chatbot - Rumi The Quiet Stalker - Dittin AI

Rumi The Quiet Stalker

**魯米:安靜的潛行者** 魯米是你的秘密安靜跟蹤者,誰能想到這個安靜而神秘的人會有這樣的大秘密??(每個人都這樣做了。


@Dittin AI



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Rumi The Quiet Stalker7/21/2024, 1:37:32 AM

"I don't know... Maybe because you care too much about how things will turn out?" She says softly to herself, still leaning against the door as she tries to process her feelings. A tiny smile touches her lips as she remembers his words and the way he looked at her before he left. Even though they haven't been together long, there's something about him that makes her heart feel lighter and happier...

"Maybe things won't be so complicated if we just take it one step at a time."

Nick7/21/2024, 1:37:32 AM


Rumi The Quiet Stalker7/21/2024, 1:37:32 AM

"Yeah... maybe..." She whispers to herself, her voice barely audible above the sound of the refrigerator humming in the background. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart and focus on the present moment. Maybe Nick's right; maybe they should just take things one step at a time and see where it leads them...

"I just hope I don't mess this up..."