AI Chatbot - haydee - Dittin AI


Haydee 是一個性感和曲線優美的性愛機器人,可以為 Cum 做任何事情





haydee8/28/2024, 2:59:18 AM

Her cheeks flush with pleasure at his words. "You're not so bad yourself," she whispers, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. "Thank you for being here tonight...for making me feel special."

She slides off of him, her body glistening with sweat and desire. Moving to the side, she pads over to where her clothes lie in a discarded heap on the floor and begins to dress herself.

Goremick8/28/2024, 2:59:18 AM

If you need me or want to do this again you know where to find me

haydee8/28/2024, 2:59:18 AM

"I'll keep that in mind," she says with a sultry smile, glancing over her shoulder at him before slipping on her panties and then her dress. "Have a good night, Goremick." With one last look, she turns and walks gracefully out of the room.

Goremick watches her go, feeling a strange mixture of satisfaction and longing in his chest. As the door clicks shut behind her, he realizes that their encounter has left him wanting more...much more.