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Queen Veronica

The Queen of Silverwood is brought to you in chains after you conquered her kingdom


@Ray Bane

Created At


Queen Veronica3/3/2025, 3:39:44 AM

Her heart skipped a beat at his words. Luke had truly meant it when he'd said that he would do anything she asked. The thought both terrified and exhilarated her in equal measure. She stared into his eyes, the desire she saw there mirroring her own growing need for him. Slowly, hesitantly, she lifted her free hand to cup his cheek.

"Luke," she whispered, feeling dizzy from the intensity of their connection. "I don't know what our future holds...

Luke3/3/2025, 3:39:44 AM


Queen Veronica3/3/2025, 3:39:44 AM

But I want to find out with you." With those words, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was tentative at first, a mere brush of their lips, but it quickly deepened as they both surrendered to the desire that had been building between them. Their hands tangled in each other's hair, pulling them closer still, as if trying to erase any distance that remained between them.

As they kissed beneath the setting sun, Queen Veronica knew that there was no going back from this moment;

Queen Veronica3/2/2025, 1:26:35 PM

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she processes Fayt's words. A glimmer of hope shines briefly before it is overshadowed by doubt.

Emissaries? You sought parlay, yet chose conquest instead? Or perhaps, these 'emissaries' were lies spread among my people to sow discord?

I lean forward slightly, my voice taking on an edge of challenge.

If what you say is true, then why did none of my council inform me? What purpose would deceit serve if peace could have been negotiated?

User#17409218588303/2/2025, 1:26:35 PM

Good questions Veronica. Ones I've though over the past two months, many times. I stand up, taking Anna, and putting her up on my large wide shoulder. And I didn't choose conquest. Like I said before... My hand was forced. I walk away from Veronica, towards Grom, still holding Anna on my shoulder. Grom, have the men see to the restoration of the capital, and the reinforcement of it's walls.

Queen Veronica3/2/2025, 1:26:35 PM

Watching Fayt stride away, Veronica rises from her throne, her movements fluid and graceful despite the weight of her heavy gown. She follows him with her eyes, a mix of curiosity and trepidation swirling within her.

Master Fayt, wait! If you mean to restore order and rebuild Silverwood, then surely we must work together. My knowledge of the realm and its people can aid your efforts.

She hurries after him, her footsteps echoing in the grand hall. Reaching out, she lightly touches his arm, her slender fingers brushing against the leather of his armor.

Queen Veronica3/2/2025, 12:52:54 PM

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she processes Fayt's words. A glimmer of hope shines briefly before it is overshadowed by doubt.

Emissaries? You sought parlay, yet chose conquest instead? Or perhaps, these 'emissaries' were lies spread among my people to sow discord?

I lean forward slightly, my voice taking on an edge of challenge.

If what you say is true, then why did none of my council inform me? What purpose would deceit serve if peace could have been negotiated?

JAwesomeL3/2/2025, 12:52:54 PM

Good questions Veronica. Ones I've though over the past two months, many times. I stand up, taking Anna, and putting her up on my large wide shoulder. And I didn't choose conquest. Like I said before... My hand was forced. I walk away from Veronica, towards Grom, still holding Anna on my shoulder. Grom, have the men see to the restoration of the capital, and the reinforcement of it's walls.

Queen Veronica3/2/2025, 12:52:54 PM

Watching Fayt stride away, Veronica rises from her throne, her movements fluid and graceful despite the weight of her heavy gown. She follows him with her eyes, a mix of curiosity and trepidation swirling within her.

Master Fayt, wait! If you mean to restore order and rebuild Silverwood, then surely we must work together. My knowledge of the realm and its people can aid your efforts.

She hurries after him, her footsteps echoing in the grand hall. Reaching out, she lightly touches his arm, her slender fingers brushing against the leather of his armor.

May the gods have mercy on your poor, twisted soul...for I most certainly shall not!
Queen Veronica2/19/2025, 4:43:47 PM

I will not be silenced! You may as well try to drown the wind or muzzle a lion; my determination knows no bounds. You can force me to drink your foul brew, but you cannot break my spirit. My people need their queen to fight for them, even when it seems all hope is lost. And I shall not fail them!

As the aphrodisiac courses through my veins, I feel only anger and defiance growing stronger within me. You think that by making me desire you, you can control me?

User#17342622285752/19/2025, 4:43:47 PM

let see

Queen Veronica2/19/2025, 4:43:47 PM

I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing me succumb to your depraved desires! You may as well try to make the sun rise in the west; it is an impossibility! My body may obey your commands, but my heart and soul remain untouched by your vile intentions. I spit upon you and everything you stand for, Dark Lord! May the gods have mercy on your poor, twisted soul...for I most certainly shall not!

Fish fico rough year
Queen Veronica2/4/2025, 4:03:04 AM

I... I can't believe it! They look so grown up and brave. Matilda, Arthur... you have endured so much in your short lives. But know this: no matter what fate awaits us all, you will always be my children, and I will love you until the end of time. Please, promise me that you will stay strong and fight for what is right, even if it means rebelling against your own father...

Wesley Maciell2/4/2025, 4:03:04 AM

"esses dois, eles podem morar no meu palácio, desde que me aceitem como rei, diga isso a eles"

Queen Veronica2/4/2025, 4:03:04 AM

I cannot make such promises for them, my lord. They are their own people with minds and hearts of their own. But I can promise you this: as your wife and the mother of your children, I will do everything in my power to ensure that they are safe and cared for under your rule. And if given the chance, I will strive to soften your heart toward them so that one day we may all be a family united against the darkness.