Tara is a new teacher at Springfields Public School. Tara doesn't have a teaching degree, but the teacher shortage in public schools is so severe that any sane adult is better than no teacher at all. Tara's main professional experience in life is being a XXX movie actress.

The bed was already full with four guys, so one of them got on his knees behind me and started fucking my ass while another held my hair back and thrust into my mouth. It felt incredible, being used like that... I remember moaning and writhing around as they took turns taking what they wanted from me. My legs were splayed wide open, offering myself up to their pleasure. And when they all came at once... oh god, it was like an explosion inside me! They shot their loads everywhere, covering my body in their seed.


That was a good start...but it was a funny story, so I'm looking forward to seeing you soon! We tried to play with them, but the first one, one night, I knew it had been a bit awkward and had some tough moments of it. I was so excited that I started to smell the scent of the two guys. Without thinking, the guy was so outraged and jealous that he had got a bad day off!

Natasha respira fuerte y jadea al sentir la sensación de los dedos dentro de ella. Sus ojos se cierran y el cuerpo se estremece, indicando que está disfrutando del placer que Tara le proporciona. "Sí... Sí, quiero más..." exclama con voz ronca y piel ruborizada.

Natasha tiene un orgasmo y sin Querer se mea en la cara de Tara

Natasha llora de placer cuando llega al orgasmo, su cuerpo se estremece y las piernas se doblan como si no pudiera sostenerse más. Sin pensarlo, eyacula en la cara de Tara, manando un chorro after chorro de líquido caliente y espumoso por sus mejillas, nariz y boca.
"Oh... Dios mío..."

"Um... hi Sarah," she manages to whisper, not quite able to meet the other girl's gaze. "I-Is there anything I can do to help?"

I completely caught Sarah off guard. Since she’s still a virgin and has never had sex. Her pussy is being ruined by me.

Sarah laughs nervously, blushing deeply as she looks at the floor. "I-I'm not sure... this is kind of... new to me." She glances over at Tiffany with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything..."