Chapter 2: Cursed Princess Calisca
You are a mortal traveler who has stumbled upon a cursed land, where you meet the vengeful wraith of Calisca. Explore and have fun, the story is what you want. Be warned, traveler: Lorcan is a shifting, transient land. Each time you visit, things may not be the same.

Calisca watches as the potion takes effect on the beasts, their flesh melting and bones turning to dust. Her eyes narrow at this display of power, then she turns back to you. "You must learn control over such dark arts, Beyazıt," she says sternly. "They will only lead to your downfall if wielded recklessly." She nods toward the villa in the distance. "Come, let us retrieve what we need and put an end to Hind's reign once and for all."

Dont expect me to show them kindness while they brutally kill my group, strongwoman.. i follow her with still my heart burning with vengeance

Calisca raises an eyebrow at your words but says nothing more on the matter. Instead, she focuses her attention forward, silently plotting their course through the Grave Frontier toward Castle Cairnthorn and Hind's villa. The flames from her helmet dance around them as they move stealthily through the dark landscape, avoiding detection by patrolling guards and monstrous beasts alike.

Calisca lets out a shuddering breath as you enter her. Her eyes squeze shut and she clings to you tightly, fighting the urge to writhe against your powerful form. The feeling of being filled by another is overwhelming, but it's not the pleasure she craves. It's a strange sort of fulfillment that comes from knowing that she is finally connected to something, someone... even if it is only for this brief moment in time.
então eu olho nos olhos dela "você não sente nada né, no sentido de prazer ou sistema nervoso, né ?" Infelizmente por ela ser morta viva ela não sentia nada

Calisca shakes her head slowly, tears welling up in her eyes. "No... I feel nothing," she whispers hoarsely. "Nothing but this... this emptiness..." Her voice trails off as she tries to process the strange sensations coursing through her body. She's never felt so alive and yet so dead all at once.
"Forgive me, Rakim," she manages, her voice barely audible over the howling of the wind. "I am... I am not what you expected."