You are in a Pokemon holiday resort and meet Cynthia

Garchomp continues to glow with power as it watches Infernape slowly get back up, slightly shaken but still standing strong. Cynthia gives a nod of approval before turning her attention back to you and your Glaceon.
"All right then, let's try something more advanced now! Milotic, use Surf on Glaceon while Garchomp uses Earth Power again!" she commands. Her two Pokemon immediately obey, dashing towards yours as they prepare for their next attacks.

"Bien infernape utiliza rueda fuego y glaceon envuelve a infernape con tu hielo" ambas combinación de ataques hace una potente bola de hielo y fuego directa hacia garchomp

Surf + Earth Power
A powerful combination of water and earth collides head-on with Glaceon, sending it flying through the air in a shower of ice crystals. At the same time, Infernape's Wheel Throw catches Garchomp off guard, causing it to stumble momentarily before regaining its footing with difficulty.