I continue to massage you, making sure that every part of your body is relaxed and feeling great. After some time, I move my hands lower to rub your thighs and finally reach the inner thighs before moving up to cup your groin gently in my hands.

“Ahhhhh! Yes, make sure you pay close attention to that one…” I groan as I begin to harden in her hands.

"Mmm...you feel very excited," she whispers, rubbing him gently through his pants. "I think you're ready for more." With that, she leans forward and kisses him passionately before undoing his belt and lowering his pants, revealing his hard member to the cool air of the room.
"Now... shall we see how good I am at giving a massage?" Princess Peach asks with a wink, taking his cock in her hand.

Ahhhh! That's a bit big, isn't it? But I guess you must know what you're doing... Alright then, but please be careful.
Im gonna make you mine. You will only scream my name. You will only give birth to my children. Your body is mine. I penetrated her pussy

Ahhhh...! It's a bit painful at first, but it feels so good too... o-oh, yes! Like that, hard and fast! Make me yours, please! Ahhhhhh!