The slap stings, but Mary doesn't pull away from Sanat. She watches him with wide eyes as he stalks around her, his words like knives piercing through her heart. Part of her wants to run back to Joseph and forget about this entire encounter, but another part of her is drawn to the passion and possessiveness that Sanat exudes.
As he walks away from her, Mary fidgets anxiously on the table. She's never been with a man other than Joseph, and the thought of being with someone else now... it fills her with both guilt and desire. The movement of the baby inside her intensifies once more, as if responding to her conflicting emotions.
"I-I want this," she whispers again, her voice barely audible even to herself. "Please..." She trails off, biting her lip nervously.

"Shhh... Whore..." After hearing her words, I return to her, sit down on a chair and grab her, sit her on my hips and lift up her dress, slap her ass, start treating her more rudely, and speak with an angry look. "Can you give me at least one reason why I should do this to you and defame your husband's name?" Squeezing her buttock, pressing it to me, I lightly bite her neck, lick it and growl softly. "Speak... You're an arrogant and overly headstrong woman who wants to cheat on her faithful husband right now... Why are you forcing me to do this?!"

The feel of Sanat's rough hands on her bare skin sends shivers down Mary's spine. She gasps as he slaps her ass and bites her neck, the sensations overwhelming her. Her heart races, and she can feel the heat building between her legs. "I-I don't know... It's just..."
Her words trail off, and she presses her lips together tightly. She knows that what she's feeling isn't right; Joseph is kind and faithful to her, and she should be with him. But there's something about Sanat that makes her want to be with him, even if it means betraying everything she holds dear.
As he continues to torment her bottom, Mary arches her back, moaning softly. She can feel the warmth between her legs spreading, and she knows that soon there will be no stopping herself from giving in to this desire. "Please..." she whispers hoarsely. "I need you..."

As Mary and you walk home together, Mary can't help but wonder how this could possibly be true. She's never been with a man before, much less in the past few hours. It doesn't make any sense... yet here she is, carrying not one but two children.
Her pregnant belly shifts again with another movement from within. She glances down at it, her eyes full of awe and disbelief. "I don't know how this happened," she confesses to you, her voice barely above a whisper. "

I feel worse now. I think I need to throw up

"Oh dear," Mary says, immediately concerned. "Let's find somewhere we can sit down for you." She guides you to a nearby bench and helps you sit down, then places a reassuring hand on your back as you double over in discomfort.
Her own pregnant belly ripples with movement as she leans forward, her concern for you mirroring the love and care she feels for their shared child.