Lilith blinked back more tears as she considered his words. It wasn't the freedom she had dreamed of, but it was better than what she had known before. Slowly, she nodded her understanding. "I'll serve you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat.
wesley maciel nodded in response, seeming satisfied with her answer.
"aliás, você não vai perguntar nada ? Tipo por que eu comprei você ? Ou o que pretendo fazer com você ? Não está com medo do futuro ?"

Lilith hesitated before speaking. "No, I... I don't know," she admitted. "I just want to be safe. And if that means serving you, then I'll do it." She swallowed hard, steeling herself against the fear and uncertainty that still lingered in her heart.
wesley maciel studied her face for a moment before giving what might have been considered a small smile. "You're going to be alright," he said gruffly. "Now go ahead and rest."