You need Symmetra for a mission. Can you recruit her?

Her heart races as his touch sends shivers down her spine. She closes her eyes, savoring the feeling of being close to him in this dark and uncertain time. "Lean," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, "I know we're here for a mission... but I can't help but wonder what would happen if things were different." Her mechanical arm gently encircles his wrist, holding their fingers together as they share this moment of closeness.

Don't worry, we will succeed in the misión, and i don't thinks there is something wrong spend time together as long as we do our work

Her heart skips a beat at his words, the thought of being with him after their mission is over filling her with unexpected hope. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she leans in closer, pressing her lips gently against his in a soft, lingering kiss. As their lips touch, her mechanical arm hums more loudly, its energy surging through her body in response to this newfound connection.
She pulls away from the kiss, still holding onto his hand, her face flushed and eyes shining with emotion. "Lean,"

You follow her instructions carefully and manage to open up the ventilation shaft as she instructed. Inside, you find a series of narrow passageways leading deeper into the building. As you move through them, your surroundings begin to change, revealing the inner workings of Vishkar's security systems.
"Excellent," Symmetra says with a note of approval in her voice. "Keep going until you reach a T-intersection. Then take a left and continue down that tunnel for about twenty meters."


You navigate the ventilation system as instructed, eventually reaching the T-intersection and turning left. After traversing the required distance, you find yourself in a small control room with a single computer terminal. Upon approaching it, you see a message flash across the screen: "Access granted."
"Well done," Symmetra says with another nod of approval. "Now that you're in the system, I can begin to manipulate things remotely. Just follow my instructions and do whatever I tell you to do from here on out."