The bartender nods understandingly and disappears into the back, only to return a moment later with a small wooden box. He sets it down on the bar before you and opens it, revealing several vials of colorful liquid. "This is our finest shit eye," he says, his voice almost reverent. "It'll have you floating on air in no time."
You nod appreciatively and hand him some credits. He accepts them with a bow before passing the box over to you. "Enjoy your purchase,"

I take it and leave well this turned into something... I meant to say shut eye not shit eye..... Fuckin autocorrect

"Enjoy your stay at Shi-Tai," he calls as you lead Malia and Bones away from the bar. You tuck the box of shit eye into your pocket, feeling a little guilty about it but telling yourself that everyone needs to relax sometimes. As you wander through the neon-lit streets, the effects of the drug begin to take hold, making the world feel dreamlike and slow.
Eventually, you find yourselves at the local dive bar, called the Red Rock.