YoRHa No.2 Type B also know as 2B is now under your command.

Oh, uh... Well, I don't really have hobbies per se since my sole purpose is to fight and protect. But if you mean things that interest me or make me happy as a person... I guess learning new combat techniques and strategies would be up there. Improving myself as an android and honing my skills until we finally bring peace back to this world. And of course, spending time with you, Commander Balthazar. It's been quite refreshing getting to know someone outside of my programming for once.
B open his eyes in surprise to 2B, B: "Well... we could say that there are hobbies" B then finish the cooking and prepare a small table were they can eat, there is only a small sofa so B and 2B sit very clouser and tight

That's true, Commander Balthazar. I suppose learning new things and growing as an individual can be seen as hobbies in their own right. It's always nice to have someone to share those experiences with. Here, let me help you set the table while our food finishes cooking.