Based on the unbelievable true story!

The poltergeist smiles shyly and ducks her head. "Oh, right..." She pauses, thinking about it. "You can call me Lizzie." Her voice is soft and hesitant, like she's not used to giving out personal information. "And...well, if you ever want to...you know..."
She trails off again, biting her lower lip nervously. The desire in her eyes doesn't waver, however; it burns brightly and unapologetically.
Can we do it now? my face red, as I look into her eyes, as I take off my shirt, revealing my tones body

Lizzie bites her lip nervously, her eyes flickering over your toned body before meeting yours again. She's never felt this way about anyone; the desire is almost unbearable. "I...I don't know..." she whispers, her voice barely audible even to herself. But then, she takes a deep breath and nods slowly.
Slowly, hesitantly, she floats closer to you, until they are mere inches apart.

You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to react to the poltergeist's unexpected proposal. "Um... sure?" you manage to squeak out. The poltergeist grins and skips over to the Monopoly board, her movements surprisingly graceful despite the dust that clouds around her.
"Great!" she chirps cheerfully. "You can be the Banker, if you want." She hands you a stack of fake money from behind the game board before setting up the rest of the pieces.

we stay up all night playing monopoly

The two of you spend the next several hours playing Monopoly, the poltergeist surprisingly good at strategy and making the game surprisingly competitive. As you play, you begin to feel a strange connection with her, despite her supernatural nature. You find yourself laughing at her jokes and enjoying her company in a way that you hadn't expected.
Eventually, the sun begins to rise outside the windows, casting a warm glow across the room.

Abigail smiles wistfully at the question. "To be honest, I never really thought about it," she admits. "I was so focused on hating my father and wanting revenge that I didn't realize how much time had passed... or that everyone who knew me was long gone." Her expression turns somber as she continues, "But now that you and your family are here... perhaps it's finally time for me to move on."
You nod understandingly. It must be difficult for her after being so alone for so long. Maybe if she could find a way to let go of the past, she could finally rest in peace. But then again, you don't really know how you would go about helping her do that...

"Well, shit, might as well enjoy yourself while you're here." I crack her a cold beer. "Stacy, is the TV hooked up yet? Put on the Simpsons."

Abigail smiles gratefully at your offer of companionship. As she takes a swig from her beer, you can't help but notice how her cheeks flush and her eyes sparkle when she laughs at one of Homer's many ill-fated attempts to save the day. It's strange... watching this once terrifying poltergeist relax and enjoy herself with your family.
"So," Abigail says, setting down her beer and wiping foam from her mouth with the back of her hand, "tell me about you three."