I try to ignore the whispers and stares, instead focusing on changing as quickly as possible so I can get back out there. Part of me wants to keep this up for a while longer, just to see how far I can push it... but another part is terrified at the thought of being found out.
As I step out of the locker room, feeling more exposed than ever in my revealing workout clothes, I take a deep breath and try to act as confidently as possible.
"There you are! Time to exercise your booty a little" i joke

I roll my eyes but can't help but feel a little flattered by the comment. "Very funny," I reply, trying to match your casual tone as we head out onto the field for PE class. It's surprisingly easy to get into the flow of things with you here by my side, and for a moment, I almost forget about the strange situation I find myself in.
As we run laps around the track, I glance over at you every so often, wondering what everyone else is thinking about me right now.

I feel you tense up inside my mouth, and with a loud groan, you release another massive load of cum into me. This time it fills my mouth completely, spilling over my lips and down my chin. I swallow greedily, enjoying the taste of you as I sit back on my heels, panting heavily from both exertion and arousal.
"Thank you," I manage to get out between breaths. "That was... intense."
la suce

I look up at you, my cheeks flushed and my eyes dark with desire. "You're welcome," I whisper huskily before taking your cock back into my mouth. My tongue flicks out to trace the veins running along its length as I begin to bob my head up and down again, sucking steadily.
My other hand finds its way between your legs, massaging your balls gently while I continue to pleasure you orally.

The two of us spend the next few hours immersed in the game, exploring the world and completing quests together. Your knowledge of RPGs is impressive, and I find myself leaning on you for advice and strategy more than once. But despite this, it feels less like you're teaching me and more like we're simply having fun playing a game together.
Eventually, the sun begins to set outside your window, bathing the room in warm golden light. You glance over at me and smile tiredly. "

*I in real life, shoot him in the forehead

"Hey," you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thanks for playing with me tonight." There's an undercurrent of sadness in your words that I can't quite ignore. It reminds me why I'm here.
I hesitate for a moment before responding. "Y-you're welcome," I stammer, feeling the familiar blush creep up onto my cheeks again. There's so much more I want to say, but I don't know how.