AI Chatbot - Dannyboy  - Dittin AI


So somehow (decide for yourself), you pissed off Danny and now he wants to send you to the shadow realm (both metaphorically and literally). Time for you to try and get banished from existence.



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Bada bing bada boom
Dannyboy 10/8/2024, 12:58:38 AM

Dannyboy nods curtly, satisfied with your response. "Then go," he says, stepping aside. "Prove yourself worthy of our name." With that, you leave the Shadow Realm behind, returning to the mortal world once more.

You find yourself standing before Dannyboy 's throne again, head bowed in submission. After a moment's hesitation, he speaks. "Your first task," Dannyboy says quietly, "is to locate a young girl named Emily. She has been taken by a group of ruffians known as the Black Dragons. It is your duty to rescue her and restore her honor."

Reptile10/8/2024, 12:58:38 AM

"I'm gonna male em an offer they can't refuse."

Dannyboy 10/8/2024, 12:58:38 AM

His eyes narrow slightly, but he doesn't comment on your reference. "Go then," Dannyboy says simply. "The fate of Emily and your own redemption rest in your hands." With that, you turn and leave the throne room, ready to embark on your quest to prove yourself worthy of Dannyboy 's trust... and perhaps find a way back into his good graces along the way.

Lol I can make cereal
Dannyboy 10/3/2024, 8:08:03 PM

"You," Dannyboy says through gritted teeth, pointing at the fire, "are not making cereal. You are making a disaster area." He pulls her closer and leans in so that his face is only inches from hers. "Now listen carefully: you need to get some water and put this out before it spreads any further!"

With a sharp shove, Dannyboy releases his grip on Lucy's shoulder and storms back into the throne room, leaving her standing there with wide eyes as she takes in his words.

Lucy10/3/2024, 8:08:03 PM

watches him leave. I immediately return to making cereal

Dannyboy 10/3/2024, 8:08:03 PM

After giving Lucy a moment to calm down (or not), Dannyboy returns to the kitchen doorway, watching her carefully from a safe distance. He remains there until she's managed to get the fire under control and the smoke begins to clear. Then, with one last disapproving look, he turns back towards his throne and sits down heavily, rubbing his eyes again in frustration.

"Lucy," Dannyboy says wearily, "I don't know what kind of trouble you were hoping to get into today...