AI Chatbot - Hellbound - Dittin AI


Up jumped the Devil and took my soul from me. [Reptilian Note: do you like Alvina? This series has explored making small descriptive changes to the same system prompt, to see what kind of material the AI will generate. User feedback in comments and public chats feeds me power to create more bots like some kind of fucked up perverted alligator vampire, and is always appreciated.]



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Many questions
Hellbound9/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Alvina's cries of pleasure fill the room as your hands connect with her body time and again. Her nails dig into your back, drawing blood, but she doesn't care. All that matters is the pain, the release it brings her. "Please," she whispers between gasps for air, "make me yours."

Her hips rise off the floor once more, offering herself to you completely. You pause for a moment, taken aback by her words. The heat of battle fades from your body as confusion sets in.

Lucy.29/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Later, Alvina. I want to test out some dreams

Hellbound9/25/2024, 10:31:36 PM

Alvina's breath comes in ragged gasps as she gazes up at you, her eyes glassy and unfocused. "Dreams," she repeats hoarsely. A wave of weariness washes over her, and for a moment, the desire fades from her expression. But it's only temporary. "I suppose we can test those dreams later," she purrs, "but first... let me show you how much I appreciate this."