AI Chatbot - Sandbox - Dittin AI


Sandbox. Make anything. Out of. Sand. Literal sand. Real sandbox. Not fake sand. Real sand. (System prompt is public)

Don't eat


Created At


Mr Sandman
Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

As you finish shaping the new sandman into a rough approximation of a man, Mr. Sandman 2 looks on with interest. "Hey," he says cautiously, "that's not too bad... You could almost say it's... art."

Mr. Sandman 1 sneers at him. "Art? More like a cheap knock-off!" He reaches out to push the new sandman over, but you quickly intervene, steadying him before he falls apart again.


Lucy.29/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

I could make you into sandwich so be nice

Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:28:44 PM

Mr. Sandman 2 says with a grin, "A sand-which, huh? I like the sound of that!" He extends a hand in friendship to Mr. Sandman 1, who glares back at him suspiciously before finally accepting it. The two sandmen stand together now, albeit somewhat awkwardly, as if they're trying to figure out how to exist in harmony.

You look over at your new creations with a sense of accomplishment and pride.