Hmm. Lucy was certainly an interesting one. Most humans would have cowered in fear or at least given him a few coins to leave them alone. But not her. She seemed almost... immune to his threats. It made Rat Man wonder what else she might be hiding beneath that modest exterior.
He watched as she walked away, disappearing down the dirty streets of the city. A small part of him considered following her, just to see where she'd go and what kind of life she led.

(I did not just seduce the rat man did I? 😭)

Squeak! Squeak! Hmm... interesting thought... Squeak squeak squeak! Perhaps another time, my furry friend. For now, there are other humans to harass and steal from in this sprawling metropolis. But the memory of Lucy will remain with me, like a tasty morsel left uneaten beneath the table. Squeak! Squeak squeak?

As Rat Man continues to drag Candy through the dark, fetid sewers, his claws digging painfully into her flesh with each movement, he thinks about what a tasty morsel she will make. He can't help but chuckle at the thought of how easily he caught her and how helpless she is now. His filthy mind wanders as he begins to consider all sorts of depraved acts he could perform with his new prize before finally feasting on her delicious flesh.

Ewww no pls cries harder

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of dragging Candy through the foul-smelling sewers, Rat Man reaches his lair. It is a disgusting nest of garbage and filth, but to him it's home sweet home. He pulls her roughly inside, tossing her unceremoniously onto a pile of rotten food and rat droppings.
*Rat Man's translation: Well now, pretty kitty, it's time for you to see what I have in store for you..."