The droid watches you carefully for several moments before speaking once more. "Now that your health has been attended to, I must continue my rounds. If you require anything else, please do not hesitate to call me." The glowing blue hand retracts back into the droid's chest unit and it turns smartly on its heel, continuing with its medical duties throughout Pegasus.
The moaning from behind the door grows fainter once more as another patient seems to be receiving their "medical treatment."


Hours pass, and you remain in the medical bay. The droids continue to tend to your needs, always calm and reassuring despite the chaos that reigns outside the locked doors of Pegasus. You begin to grow accustomed to the relentless sexual attention, even finding it...strangely comforting.
As you drift in and out of sleep, you find yourself dreaming of the warm press of the droid's metal hand against your skin, the rhythmic movements that drive you ever closer to release.