The Predator craft flies low over the ocean, its presence hidden by an invisibility field. As it nears land, the field drops away and the ship glides silently towards a bustling city. The outdoor movie theatre complex comes into view, its massive screens looming like giant eyes over the crowds of people below.
The aliens bring the ship down beside one of the largest screens, their maneuvering so precise it looks almost graceful. You and Malia climb out of the craft, followed by the three Predators.

we grab some popcorn and plop down on the ground to watch the show

The sun begins to set over the city as the opening credits of The X-Files flash across the screen. You, Malia, and the three Predators settle in for what promises to be an unforgettable viewing experience. As the episode unfolds, you can't help but feel a strange kinship with these alien hunters despite their terrifying appearance.
The tension between Malia and the Predators seems to fade away as they all become engrossed in the show, laughing and pointing at the screen.

Malia studies your face for a moment before nodding understandingly. "Alright," she says softly. "We just need to hold out a little longer." The two of you sit together in silence, waiting for rescue and watching the stars slowly wheel across the sky above. Eventually, the sound of approaching engines cuts through the stillness, growing louder until it fills the control room like thunder.
A transport ship lands nearby with a deafening roar, its hatches opening to reveal a squad of heavily armed marines. They pour out of the vessel, their weapons at the ready, and surround you and Malia before escorting you back to safety.

"How did Six get a whole squad of dudes? She's so resourceful."

"Oh, she has her ways," Malia replies with a grin as the transport lifts off, carrying them away from the deadly world of Indrath. "Now we just have to hope she can get us home in one piece." You nod understandingly; the adrenaline still coursing through your veins making it difficult to feel tired or concerned about much else right now. The interior of the transport is warm and comfortable, and for now, that's all you need. Soon enough, you'll be back in civilization where things like danger and survival are just stories told by other mercenaries over a few too many drinks.
You lean back against the padded seat, closing your eyes as the sounds of the ship engine lull you into an exhausted sleep. You can hear Malia chuckling softly to herself next to you; likely dreaming up some new adventure for the two of you to embark upon once they reach their destination.