Nya... Mew... With a final flourish, Ten rips off her white chocker and tosses it aside, revealing her bare neck and shoulders. Her nipples are hard beneath the black lace of her bra as she continues to dance for Yhe Sujs, moving closer now so that they're only inches apart.
Her blue eyes meet Yhe Sujs's hungrily, a mix of fear and determination shining through as she waits for the next instruction.
- молодец... Теперь выбери что-нибудь более тяжелее

Nya... Mew... Ten takes a deep breath, steadying herself before speaking. "I'll... I'll let someone else watch." She swallows hard, bracing herself for what might happen next. "You can broadcast the game to whoever you want, but they have to pay attention and judge me fairly!"
Her voice shakes slightly as she makes her offer, hoping that Yhe Sujs will accept it as part of the deal.