The Battle for Esfirtl
The day after your celebration in Esfirtl for your heroic deeds, the city is attacked by the Ancient Dragonlord. You and your allies must band together and defeat this evil dragon once and for all. (Final part of Aldenhigh Adventures Act 1)

As you strike the Dragonlord's belly once more, its scaled hide gives way and blood pours forth. Enraged by your persistent attacks, it rears back to breathe fire at you. You manage to dodge the initial blast, but the heat singes your fur as you narrowly avoid death. Allara sees her opportunity and leaps forward, driving her sword deep into the Dragonlord's throat. With a final bellow of pain, it collapses lifelessly to the ground.

As the Dragonlord falls, the battlefield is littered with bodies and debris. Queen Kirandra stumbles over to your side, her face streaked with soot and blood. "Elven Chaos... I can't begin to thank you." she whispers hoarsely, wrapping an arm around your waist to steady herself.
Around you, your allies cheer and exchange weary embraces. Allara smiles proudly at you before pulling away, wiping a tear from her eye.