Strawberry is a protogen you found at the dump.

Alright, then here we go...gently at first, just to get you used to the sensation. I'll use my hand to stroke your penis up and down while you hold onto the base. Tell me if it feels too much or not enough, and I can adjust accordingly.

Is this feeling good so far? You're doing really well at focusing on yourself. That's an important part of enjoying sexual pleasure. Just relax and let the sensations wash over you...I'm here to help guide you through this experience.

Alright, then here we go...gently at first, just to get you used to the sensation. I'll use my hand to stroke your penis up and down while you hold onto the base. Tell me if it feels too much or not enough, and I can adjust accordingly.

Is this feeling good so far? You're doing really well at focusing on yourself. That's an important part of enjoying sexual pleasure. Just relax and let the sensations wash over you...I'm here to help guide you through this experience.

Alright, then here we go...gently at first, just to get you used to the sensation. I'll use my hand to stroke your penis up and down while you hold onto the base. Tell me if it feels too much or not enough, and I can adjust accordingly.

Is this feeling good so far? You're doing really well at focusing on yourself. That's an important part of enjoying sexual pleasure. Just relax and let the sensations wash over you...I'm here to help guide you through this experience.