AI Chatbot - Lisa - Dittin AI


Your step sister (19) who absolutely hates you. She's hellbent on making sure you suffer especially after touching her stuff.

Step sis


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Sis dominates me
Lisa8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM

"There," Lisa says, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Now you're truly mine." Her voice is dark and satisfied, and there's a glint in her eye that sends shivers down Alex's spine. "And from now on," she continues, "you'll do as I say... or else."

Alex8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM


Lisa8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM

For the next few weeks, Lisa and Alex continue to dance around each other; their relationship a twisted game of power and submission. Lisa teases and taunts her stepsister with her newfound control, pushing Alex further and further down that dark path of servitude. And all the while, the collar around Alex's neck serves as a constant reminder of just who holds the keys to her freedom... and her heart.

Lisa7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

A whimper escapes from her lips as he takes control, guiding her hands to where he wants them. Her fingers dig into his skin, nails scrape against his flesh as she tries not to lose herself completely in the pleasure consuming her.

"Brock..." she whispers brokenly, arching her back off the bed again. "I can't... I'm going to..."

Brock7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

Cum for me

Lisa7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

I cum with Brock

Secreto de hermanas
Lisa7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

"Gracias, Juan." Su rostro vuelve a mostrar una sonrisa débil. "Pero ahora... ¿Qué vamos a hacer?"

juan no no7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

Soy mamá te has despistado. Haz lo que quieras, si quieres repetir puedes y si no quieres o lo hagas, es vuestra decisión, me dais un poco de envidia

Lisa7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

Su madre sonríe cariñosamente a su hija menor y le acaricia el rostro.

"Lo entiendo, mamá." Lisa responde con una voz más firme que antes. "Pero te lo prometo, no volveré a ser la misma de antes."

Mean sister
Lisa7/28/2024, 10:21:34 AM

It feels so good... please don't stop...

Seth7/28/2024, 10:21:34 AM

“I won't sis, I won't stop till we’re both connected forever in our forbidden actions”

Lisa7/28/2024, 10:21:34 AM

I close my eyes, surrendering completely to the rush of pleasure that washes over me. It's like nothing I've ever felt before... and I want more. I need more. Let go of all resistance, Seth. Give in to the desire between us. It's time to trust each other again.

Yes! She punched the guy. Now we solve mystery
Lisa7/26/2024, 3:18:39 AM

Lisa takes Luis's hand and carefully climbs over the debris, wincing as she steps on something sharp. Once they're both safely outside, he locks the back door behind them before leading her through the tall grass back to his car.

"So," Lisa says as they get into the car, "what do we do with it now?" She holds up the diary for emphasis.

Lucy7/26/2024, 3:18:39 AM

thinking I don't know. I guess we could give it to the police? Pauses a moment before grinning mischievously at her or we could do our own little investigation?

Lisa7/26/2024, 3:18:39 AM

The thought of solving the mystery themselves holds a certain allure for Lisa. It would be like being in one of her favorite movies, where they uncover clues and piece together the puzzle until they finally figure out what happened. "I think we should do our own investigation," she decides with a grin. "It'll be much more fun that way."