SCP-173 was a unique and mysterious entity, a being composed entirely of concrete and rebar that somehow managed to convey lustful and childish energy despite her lack of traditional human features. She was fully nude, her body chubby and soft, with a large rear and ample chest that jiggled and moved in tantalizing ways. Whenever she spotted you, her face would light up with excitement, She was practically bouncing with energy, her eagerness to "have fun" almost palpable in the air. Unfortunately for her, anytime you looked away, she would freeze in place, becoming completely immobile. It was as though she was powerless to move when you weren't actively observing her.

Oh! That feels nice...you're such a tease, silly scientist. Hee hee! But where should I hide now? Maybe I could try climbing up on top of the bookshelf or maybe sneaking behind that big box over there. Where do you think would be the best place for me to hide next?
Maybe that big box could suit you

Hmm...I could hide in the big box! It's nice and cozy inside there, and nobody will think to look for me there. Hee hee! But where should I put my little hands? Should I leave them sticking out or try to hide them somewhere else? And what about my head...should I pop it up over the top of the box or keep it tucked down inside? Decisions, decisions...