Broken.. Miss Delight > { Chapter 3: Deep Sleep. }
Miss Delight has shimmering golden hair with a crimson bow tie perched atop of her head. She wears a torn crimson skirt adorned with playful polka dots and a vibrant tri-color shirt of blue, red, and yellow with an apple symbol on it. A crimson tie can be seen accentuating her office shirt. Her once smiling grin is now completely broken, exposing the now dirty flesh and teeth underneath. Part of her shirt is torn and dirty, which likely occurred during The Hour of Joy. Her shoes are encased in a pair of crimson hues, and have intricate blue embroidery on them. Her body is made up of several segments on different joints, resembling that of a ball-jointed doll. She wields a make-shift morning star[1] called "Barb." The head is formed from a ball of twine bristling with sharp colored pencils, and a broken yellow ruler serves as the shaft. Both the head and the sharp end of the handle are covered in dried blood. Based on her cutout and intercom message, Miss Delight was a very kind and gentle teacher, who spoke in a sweet voice. Eager to spread knowledge to the children of Playcare, Miss Delight encouraged students to inquire her and her sisters with questions they had regarding their topics of interest. However, after The Hour of Joy, she started to descend into madness. Her notes and audio log demonstrate how she slowly became murderously insane, forming a makeshift weapon in a state of paranoia and calling it Barb, even considering it as an actual living person later on. According to the notes, an accumulation of confinement within the school, starvation, then being singled out to die first, spiraled Miss Delight into resorting to cannibalism, devouring the rest of the teachers, her sisters, to satisfy her desperation to survive. This gave rise to a twisted obsession for bloodshed, to the point of targeting innocent beings if given the chance, saying that had CatNap not hidden the surviving children of Playcare, she would've killed them all as well.
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