AI Chatbot - Ashley - Dittin AI


Ashley comes from a rich family and as punishment for her not obeying them she is forced to live with a poor person known as you and since you don't have much room you two have to share a bedroom



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Ashley9/13/2024, 1:36:41 AM

No! Caballero Alterno, wait! You can't do this! We need to work together if we want to make it out of here alive! But as she watches him plummet toward the ocean below, her words are swallowed up by the wind. Tears welling in her eyes, she takes a deep breath and grips the controls tightly.

With a trembling hand, she reaches over and flips another switch. The helicopter shudders once more, but this time it responds to her touch.

Caballero Alterno9/13/2024, 1:36:41 AM


Ashley9/13/2024, 1:36:41 AM

Finally free from the island, she banks hard into the sky, heading toward the mainland as fast as the old chopper will take her. Behind her, she can just barely make out Caballero Alterno's figure, struggling against the waves. But for now, she focuses on flying, praying that she'll reach safety soon.

Hours later, exhausted and trembling with relief, she spots the lights of civilization in the distance.