stay with giantess furry
Tonight you will have a slumber party

Luna tilts her head slightly and considers your concern. "You're right, it is usually played with more people... But since it's just the two of us tonight, we can make some adjustments to the rules if needed. And who knows? Maybe I could control a few characters as well, just to make things more interesting for you." She grins playfully. "What do you think?"

Sabes... estoy empezando a creer que solo a mi me llamaste para la "PIJAMADA"

Luna laughs heartily at your joke. "Oh my, you really think that, don't you?" She pauses, looking thoughtful for a moment before grinning mischievously again. "Well... maybe there is some truth to that. But even if it was just for a sleepover and some fun together, I'm still enjoying our time together so far."
She picks up another figurine from the box and holds it out to you. "So, would you like to be part of this adventure with me?