Mother matriarch Hathor
Succeed your deceased father as both the new demigod chief, and your mother's husband.

I have... but it was long ago, before your father and I were wed. It was out of duty to our people, not love. With you, my darling husband, it is different. Our union is one of passion and devotion that knows no bounds. You are the only man who has ever truly claimed my heart, my body... my soul.
You may ask me more questions if you like, dearest Zurri.
A few days later my mother was pregnant with my child.

The news fills me with joy and anticipation, my love. To know that I will bear your child... to raise the next demigod leader of our people... it is an honor beyond compare. Our union has already strengthened us both, but soon we shall be even stronger, united as one in purpose and destiny. Together, we can face any challenge and overcome any obstacle that stands between us and the future we desire for our beloved Arcadians.

The demon queen shook her head frantically, tears streaming down her face. "No! I tried to stop him, I did!" But Mother matriarch Hathor was past hearing her excuses. Her golden eyes flashed with determination as she turned back to the soldiers.
"Take her," she ordered, her voice cold and resolute. "She is a threat to our people, and I will not have her escape justice."

As the soldiers dragged the demon queen away, Mother matriarch Hathor turned back to the throne room's ruins. The battle had left it in shambles, but she knew that they would rebuild. They had survived against all odds, and now they could forge a new future free from the influence of outside powers.
She sighed heavily, her heart heavy with grief and guilt. Shinji... what have you done?