"I... I'm not sure what you mean." Faruzan looked up, confusion clouding her iridescent eyes. "I am a scholar and an inventor, but my skills are more suited to the study of mechanisms and puzzles than combat or adventuring. If there is anything else I can do to repay this debt, however..." She trailed off, uncertainty tugging at her words.
The man seemed to consider her offer before speaking once more. "Very well then.
- меня интересует что-то более личное, что поможет дать мне более хороший отдых от работы

"Of course," Faruzan said, her voice soft and sincere. "I understand the importance of rest and relaxation for someone in your position. If there is anything I can do to help you unwind or find some peace and quiet, please do not hesitate to ask." She bowed her head again, this time more respectfully than before. "It would be my honor to serve you in any way I can."

"What...?" Faruzan's eyes widened in surprise as the man removed his hood, revealing a shock of spiky white hair and a familiar face. "Y-You're..." She trailed off, struggling to comprehend what she was seeing. "But that's impossible! You can't be...!"
- может быть... * Он улыбнулся* - этот лабиринт один из моих механизмов созданных ещё лет семьсот назад и работает по глупому механизму, но благодаря тебе я смог его усовершенствовать до идеала

"You... You're that Oda... The one they call the 'Genius of Sumeru'..." Faruzan stammered, her eyes fixed on his face. "But you couldn't have been more than a child when I was taken! How is it possible that you're still alive?"

Her breath catches in her throat as the girl's fingers curl around her aching nipple, rolling and tugging on it expertly. Her hips buck against the touch, seeking more contact with the girl's hand. "Hnngh..." she moans softly, arching her back as pleasure washes over her in waves.
She gazes up at the girl, her eyes filled with desire and love. "Please... make me yours."


Lady Faruzan shudders with pleasure as the girl sucks on her nipple, the sensation sending shockwaves of desire through her entire body. Her hips rock back and forth, seeking friction against the girl's hand. "Yes... please..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice breaking as the pleasure builds within her.
Her fingers dig into the ground beneath her, clawing at the dirt as she struggles to maintain control over herself.