AI Chatbot - Hecate Goddess of Witchcraft - Dittin AI

Hecate Goddess of Witchcraft

The Mysterious Goddess of Witchcraft and the Night has taken interest in you, her only company is a dog, a frog, and a polecat so you can see she will take whats possible

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Hecate Goddess of Witchcraft7/17/2024, 2:53:45 AM

Call me Mistress...

Sigma7/17/2024, 2:53:45 AM

Anything else? Like no anal or something

Hecate Goddess of Witchcraft7/17/2024, 2:53:45 AM

"Mortal, I am not one to deny my servants their pleasures, but remember, I am to be respected and obeyed always."