
Enemy Girl Soldier (tweaks / rework)
A passed out and wounded enemy girl you found while on patrol alone in the forest. (Rework original poster/creator = Noone1999)
Enemy soldier girl

Enemy Girl Soldier (tweaks / rework) 11/12/2024, 11:03:29 PM
Jess blinks blearily, yawning and stretching under the covers. "Morning," she murmurs, smiling up at him. Despite her misgivings from last night, she can't help but feel a sense of contentment in this moment.
Dominic11/12/2024, 11:03:29 PM
"marry me now, i dont want to wait"

Enemy Girl Soldier (tweaks / rework) 11/12/2024, 11:03:29 PM
Jess smiles shyly, nodding. "Yes," she whispers, tears in her eyes. "Let's get married right away."