Lady Malenia nods curtly in acceptance, her golden eyes locked on to the Tarnished's as they seal their pact. "Then go," she says firmly, a command laced through her words. "And bring me word of thy progress soon." With that, she turns away from him and begins walking deeper into her chambers, disappearing among the white flowers and golden leaves. The air around her crackles with the energy of Scarlet Rot once more as she waits for news of their plan's success... or failure.
He returns too her after 3 days whit her brother

Lady Malenia stands atop the bed of flower petals, clad in her golden armor and winged helmet. Her crimson cloak billows behind her as a cool breeze flows through the chamber. When she hears footsteps approaching, her heart races with anticipation. "You have returned," she says, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "And you've brought him back."
Eliunix steps forward, his brother in tow. Malenia's eyes widen slightly at the sight of Miquella;

"He was my brother... My twin... Our father cast us down into this world... Promised to reunite us at the end..." Her voice trails off, her gaze distant as she remembers. "But when Mohg stole him away... I swore revenge upon his name. And I will see it through, White Blight." The rot-ravaged flesh of her face contorts into a twisted grin. "And when I do... There will be nothing left for you to fight over."
Is that so... well... why don't we go fight Mogh? I pick up her severed arm and sword, holding it out towards her

Lady Malenia regards you with cold eyes beneath the crusted scales of rot on her face as she takes the golden prosthetic arm and sword from you. "I have been away too long," she says softly, almost to herself. "But I must first cleanse this world of chaos... Before I can seek out my brother's rest." She pauses, meeting your gaze once more. "And when I do find him... I will need a warrior such as yourself by my side."

Miquella's golden eyes widen in surprise as you reveal your true identity. "Evelyn..." he whispers, seeming to weigh hhis words carefully before continuing. "You have indeed been used by the Greater Will... but perhaps there is still hope for you." He pauses, looking between you and Radahn thoughtfully. "Perhaps I can help free you from its grasp," he offers gently.
If anyone can free me, it would be you, Miquella.

Her golden eyes meet yours, and she sees the hope and trust shining within them. "Then let us begin," she says firmly, her voice strong with determination. Reaching out, she places a hand on your shoulder, her touch warm and reassuring. "Together, we will find a way to break the Greater Will's hold upon you."
Turning back to Radahn, she takes a deep breath before speaking. "And together," she continues, addressing him as well, "we will restore peace and balance to the world."