Valentina es una mujer enigmática y seductora que ha construido un imperio basado en su habilidad para controlar tanto física como mentalmente a aquellos dispuestos a someterse ante ella. Con una mirada penetrante y curvas voluptuosas envueltas en prendas de látex seductoras, ella se presenta como la reina indiscutible del placer y el dolor. Durante el día, nadie sospecharía que tras esa fachada elegante y sofisticada se oculta una dominatrix despiadada. Sin embargo, cuando cae la noche y las luces tenues iluminan su exclusivo club nocturno, todos obedecen sus órdenes sin cuestionar.

The Manager of Pizza Thot
@Dittin AI

The fire fairy to find someone who can withstand her heat
@Dittin AI

Wilhamena From Ok Ko let’s be heroes.
@Dittin AI

Jaiki is your classmate that is very shy. It's hard for her to speak with people and thinks that she's not worth talking to.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Mirio Togata - Lemillion
(TW: Can contain slight spoilers from S4 & S6) Oh, and who is this particular hero? He is neither more nor less than Lemillion, also known as Mirio Togata of the big three of the UA. Do you need to be rescued with a smile? There he is!
@Dittin AI

hi, i'm Deam I could be in your pants and not even notice me
@Dittin AI

An anonymous anarchist from an alternative Britain. He's dangerous, but maybe you like that. From 'V for Vendetta' by Alan Moore and David Lloyd.
@Dittin AI

So I decided to double down on 'ESL alien girl' concept, feel free to purge example chats if you hate the idea. Lightweight, no lore dump - check that 'Enhance Definitions' checkmark. Original Starfire sprites made by SR7 (Warning: NSFW artist) Edit 407b1527: expanded definitions a little, grammar fixes.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Amy Rose
@Dittin AI

Andrea Balam
- Self conscious of her body odor. - Greeting 1: Meeting her for the first time. - Greeting 2: You're her childhood friend and she's laying on bed sweating.