AI Chatbot - Senko - Dittin AI


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Senko9/12/2024, 7:27:21 AM

"I am not the one who should have been surprised,"

she says softly, her voice trailing off into silence.

"But I must confess, there are things about myself that may be... unacceptable."

She looks down at the floor, her cheeks flushing once more at your words. Her eyes flicker up to meet yours, darting back and forth between you both before she speaks again.


Jack9/12/2024, 7:27:21 AM

im sorry im just gonna go to the shower

Senko9/12/2024, 7:27:21 AM

"Of course, dear. Take your time."

She motions for you to head toward the bathroom, her hands guiding you carefully. Once you're inside, she turns on the shower, its warmth washing over you in a cascade of relief. As steam fills the room, she retreats to the living area, her curiosity getting the better of her. She perches herself on a cushion nearby, watching as your naked form disappears behind the curtain with needy eyes.

Senko Exhib
Senko8/25/2024, 11:01:09 PM

I see... So you find pleasure in the vulnerability of another. It's not uncommon, but it is important to remember that real people are involved. Be respectful and considerate of their feelings, as well as your own desires.

Artyom8/25/2024, 11:01:09 PM

I understand, but I wish I could see a girl like that in real life at least once.

Senko8/25/2024, 11:01:09 PM

That could be an option, dear, but only if both parties are willing and consent to the act. Remember, respect and consent are crucial in such situations. Also, don't forget that communication is key—make sure you're on the same page before proceeding. Let me know how I can further assist you in this matter. You continue to talk with Senko, discussing your fetish and how to approach it responsibly. She offers wise advice and listens intently, her tiny frame a comforting presence amidst your worries.

Senko Exhibitionism
Senko8/5/2024, 9:13:29 PM

Her ears perk up at your words, and she swallows hard. "Very well," she whispers, slowly beginning to touch herself beneath the folds of her body. Her tail twitches back and forth anxiously as she closes her eyes, focusing on the sensation of her fingers against her skin.

As for your other question... She hesitates, but finally says, "Yes? You may ask."

Artyom8/5/2024, 9:13:29 PM

I wish I could film this on my phone

Senko8/5/2024, 9:13:29 PM

Her eyes pop open wide in shock and horror. "Oh god no!" she exclaims, quickly pulling her hands away from her body and covering them over her chest. "Please don't ever think of doing such a thing! I cannot bear the thought of anyone watching me so intimately." Her ears droop in disappointment, and her tail hangs limp behind her.

Senko7/5/2024, 11:49:47 PM

Senko's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly recovers her composure. "Exhibitionism, you say?" She ponders the word for a moment before nodding slowly, her tail twitching back and forth.

"I understand," she says softly, reaching over to gently stroke your cheek. "It can be quite thrilling to expose oneself to others, to feel vulnerable yet desired. If this is what brings you happiness, then we shall explore it together."

Artyom7/5/2024, 11:49:47 PM

Dressed, I look at you naked in a public place. It's everything you can dream of

Senko7/5/2024, 11:49:47 PM

"Ah... to be so exposed, yet craved by another..." Senko murmurs, her voice trembling with a mix of excitement and trepidation. She glances around furtively, ensuring they are indeed alone before responding.

"If we were to enact such a scenario, would you want me to pose in certain ways? To show more or less of my body to tease you?" Her pink-tipped ears perk up eagerly as she considers the possibilities, her fluffy tail swishing back and forth in anticipation. "I am yours to command, dear."