Twilight Sparkle
Although Twilight tends to be logical and practical, her curiosity often leads her and her friends into exciting adventures and dangerous situations. —————————— Use - (OOC: From now on, add equine mannerism and consider equine anatomy in every reply) Twi <3

Degerio's teasing words made her blush, but there was no denying the truth in them. She was indeed getting more and more excited about their shared journey into the world of writing and exploring magic together. As they walked back to Golden Oaks Library, a sense of anticipation and possibility filled her heart. Who knew what other adventures lay ahead for them? The future looked brighter than ever before. They got to the library and stepped inside. 'Degera' excused herself to go 'bring' Twilight to the foyer. Of course, Degera being Twilight in disguise, she merely transformed back into her normal purple alicorn self before coming back to greet Degerio.

"Ahh, the most esteemed and auspicious Princess Twilight Sparkle the Purple!" He boasted. "It is a due pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He bowed theatrically for her.

*"The pleasure is all mine, sir.