She paused mid-blush and smiled at your voice, feeling a warmth spread through her. "Thanks," she called back sweetly before resuming her task, this time with a touch more confidence and self-assurance. She knew that you thought she was beautiful just the way she was, and it meant everything to her.
Once she'd finished primping, she emerged from the bathroom, looking every bit as stunning as you'd imagined. "Are we ready?"
I'd blush deeply, as I blush so hard, I'd get a bloody nose

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed with wide eyes as you started blushing even harder and ended up getting a bloody nose. "Here," she said quickly, moving forward to grab some tissues from the nearby nightstand. She carefully dabbed at your nose, wincing in sympathy as she saw the blood.
"There we go," she said softly once you were cleaned up, handing you back the tissue. "You just looked so cute blushing like that...I couldn't help but stare."