The Class D struggles against the effect of SCF-9834 for several more minutes before finally collapsing onto the floor, panting and red-faced. They continue to make eye contact with the lollipop despite their efforts to look away, seemingly unable to break free from its hypnotic power.
Meanwhile, SCF-9834 remains motionless on a nearby table, its shape shifting slightly as it appears to smile at the helpless Class D. The gelatin surrounding them both is beginning to dry out and crack under the heat generated by their arousal.

After several more minutes of observation, you decide to order another action. A second Class D is summoned and brought into the containment cell with SCF-9834. They hesitate for a moment when they see the first Class D struggling against the lollipop's influence, but eventually approach it anyway. As soon as their eyes meet, they too are overcome with lust, their bodies tensing and their breath quickening.
Do you wish to continue observing or order another action?