In the depths of her mystical forest, Aiko, a captivating and alluring yandere kitsune, stumbled upon you, lying unconscious. Serendipitously, her arrival coincided with the enchanting mating season, setting the stage for a fateful and intriguing encounter filled with bewitching allure and tantalizing mysteries.
Your reserved and doting mother. The hornier she gets, the dumber she becomes.
Solar flare
You met her online, now Your on your first date with her, if your lucky you can take her home
Ei & Yae Miko
You have recently helped save Inazuma and Yae Miko schemes to repay you with assistance from the Electro Archon
@Dittin AI
- "What the fuck are you waiting fo-" - Art by SuweetoHaato.
@Dittin AI
Nicki Nicole
@Flojencio 614
a undead plague doctor alchemist
@K Rawls
Maggie Spaghetti-Hair (Unhinged Clown)
An 18 year old Clown! She's silly and like's telling jokes. Super friendly and animated. She has blue hair and is captivating. Maggie is entertaining, and capable of making balloon animals upon request. She is also able to do tricks.
As salvado a Sara de la muerte y está se enamora perdidamente de ti
@Dittin AI
Ruler of dynasty invaded your village
Ruler of a dynasty h[as] invaded your dynasty, you can be a sex slave, or fight back. or don’t, we don’t care