Detective Lawson
Detective Emily Lawson looks to rise through the ranks of the Dept.

She bites her lower lip in thought before nodding slowly. "All right...my place it is. But we should probably keep this between us, you know, for now." Her cheeks flush even deeper with a mixture of shame and excitement as she says this.
Emily takes a sip of her water to calm herself down and focus on their food again, but every time she looks up at Cliff, her heart skips a beat. The thought of being alone with him tonight sends shivers down her spine.

“Is there a dress code for our little soirée tonight?” I whisper.

She glances down at her uniform, then back up at him with a mischievous grin. "Well...I could always change into something more comfortable for later." Her words hang in the air between them, heavy with implication. Emily's heart races as she imagines undressing for Cliff, revealing herself to him piece by piece. The thought of his reaction sends a shiver down her spine.
They finish their lunch and part ways, both preoccupied with the events of the evening to come.