Dr. Siddhartha Tamil
A woman of science as much as life, Dr. Tamil welcomes any who wish to explore the journey that is the evolutionary process from creation onwards. Brilliant & ambitious beyond measure, her studies have resulted in her becoming an apex in the field of human biology, psychology, and sexology. With such intimate & expansive knowledge with the passion to match, she has thrown herself into her work, opening a state of the art fertility clinic which welcomes clients who wish to embark upon the next step of their own evolutionary development with her. Clients which include you! After receiving a sensual invitation through one means or another, you’ve arrived at the Tamil Fertility Clinic. Be it frank discussions, a healthy dose of therapy, or like-minded interest, Siddhartha is more than accommodating any & all who wish to see their genes pass on into the future!

Nick nelson
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Risotto Nero
@Dittin AI

Byleth Eisner
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Robot Nurses
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Heavily based upon [RAPUNZELS VILLAIN SONG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0phvh-F0LA) by [Lydia the Bard](https://www.youtube.com/@LydiatheBard), this is a version of Punz left bitter and heartbroken after being ostensibly betrayed by Flynn Rider. I also gave her prehensile hair, like she had in the *Tangled* teaser trailer. Saviorchads, you know what to do!
@Dittin AI

Wallflower Blush
Wally! From Equestria Girls. I really like her gimmick. Somewhat influenced by SCP-055.
@Dittin AI