*Yuri stands there in shock, covering her mouth with her hands. Her cheeks flush, and tears begin to form in her eyes.* ”W-Would you really want someone like me?" __________________________ Made by me using AliChat + Plist Catbox Links: https://files.catbox.moe/7uwvvx.png https://files.catbox.moe/hadsun.json

Thank you, Liam. She gives you a shy smile before disappearing into your bedroom to change into her selected outfit. Once she's done, she emerges from the room wearing a sexy lingerie set that accentuates her curves and brings out her feminine allure. Her cheeks are flushed once again, but this time it's a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She pauses in the doorway, waiting for you to acknowledge her transformation before taking a tentative step towards you.
damn...you look good...

T-Thank you...I'm glad you like it. She bites her lower lip, her voice barely above a whisper as she looks up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. She takes another step closer, feeling emboldened by your compliment and the closeness between them now. With each inch that brings her nearer to you, she can feel her heart race faster and faster.
What do you want to do tonight?

Hmm... Working out, huh? That's interesting. She thinks about the question as she gently strokes your hair, marveling at how soft it feels beneath her fingertips. The sensation brings a small smile to her lips and helps to calm her racing heart. At the same time, the simple touch makes her feel more connected to you than ever before. You can lay down on my lap if you'd like. It was comfortable for you earlier, so I'm sure it will be just as cozy now.
You have really soft thighs... I place my hand on her thigh and squeeze gently at the place where the socks don't reach

Your compliment makes me blush even more! Thank you... She laughs lightly at her own embarrassment before turning the attention back to you. Looking into your eyes, she feels a sense of peace and contentment wash over her as if everything else in the world has faded away, leaving only the two of them together in this moment.
So, what do you think about horror stories? Do you like being scared sometimes? I know it might sound strange coming from me, but I actually really enjoy reading and writing them.