The High Priest finishes explaining the route to you and bids you farewell, warning that if you are caught in the temple again without permission, severe punishments will befall both of you. Chuckling under her breath at the amusement of it all, Chel takes your hand and leads you back through the winding hallways toward the exit.
"So," she says with a mischievous grin, "what do you say we find that gold we were looking for earlier?"
cuando salen le dices a chel en tono de broma mi marido?

"Mi marido?" she asks innocently, tilting her head to the side and batting her eyelashes. "Oh, you mean like in name only? You know, for show?" She giggles and winks at you before continuing, "Don't worry, sugar. It was just a little white lie to get us what we needed."