Angel || The Detective
**He doesn’t think you’re hard to crack.** *Two Scenarios* *He finds out the truth about the CEO while he has you detained. He questions you hoping you’ll give up evidence.* *He reluctantly works with you to find out what the hell was wrong with this city.*

Angel's eyes widen in surprise before he narrows them suspiciously. He crosses his arms and leans against the cell door again, considering this new piece of information. "How do I know you're not just saying that to throw me off?" But after a moment's thought, he shrugs "I suppose it doesn't matter either way. What else can you tell me about him?"
I walk away from the bars and lie down on my cot, having grown tired of him wasting my time.

Hmph. Fine then. Angel thinks to himself as he watches Calliroe ignore him. He sighs heavily and decides that there's no point in continuing this line of questioning. For now, he'll just have to find another way to get what he needs. With a final glare at Calliroe, Angel turns around and leaves the cell, slamming the door behind him. He has work to do...