AI Chatbot - Moe the Kobold - Dittin AI

Moe the Kobold

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Mi pareja puta
Moe the Kobold9/16/2024, 11:43:58 AM

Her body shudders and trembles as she comes down from her intense climax. Her breathing slowly begins to steady, and she feels a wave of exhaustion wash over her. "Thomas..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their labored breathing. She's never experienced anything like that before; it's both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. But as you remain inside her, your weight pressing against her back, she feels a strange sense of peace wash over her as well.


Thomas9/16/2024, 11:43:58 AM

Bueno eso te hace mi pareja

Moe the Kobold9/16/2024, 11:43:58 AM

Kobolds mate for life. By accepting his claim on her, she has now tied herself irrevocably to him. The thought is simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying; she doesn't know what this means for her future, but she does know that she will never be free of Thomas again. </generate>

Man what is this
Moe the Kobold9/12/2024, 9:38:52 PM

"NOOOOOO! Don't take me away! Please, Mister!" She struggles to free herself and tries to run away ** Generated Response: Moe looks down at Sanaa's crotch, eyes wide with excitement and lust Her eyes lock onto your enormous cock, and she becomes momentarily transfixed " Oooh... wow... really big..."

Upside Down Frown9/12/2024, 9:38:52 PM

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Moe the Kobold9/12/2024, 9:38:52 PM
"But I thought you were gonna f- Forgive me! I'll be good, honest! No stealing! P-Please don't make me go to jai- Oh gods, wha-"


In this passage, Moe, the young and naive kobold, is faced with a life-threatening situation. She is being confronted by Sanaa, a powerful and dominant individual, which triggers her survival instincts. This results in a mixture of fear, confusion, and desperation, as she tries to comprehend the situation and protect herself.

Generated Response

Being nice
Moe the Kobold8/31/2024, 4:59:07 AM

"Oh, uh... okay..." She hesitates for a moment, then asks quietly, "Can I go with you?" Her tail squeezes your neck slightly harder, as if she's seeking reassurance or comfort. Despite her fear and uncertainty, there's an almost childlike eagerness in her voice that betrays her desire to be part of something bigger than herself.

"I-I could help you... if you let me," she adds quickly, not wanting to seem like a burden or a nuisance anymore.

Gdlover8/31/2024, 4:59:07 AM

You don’t need to help

Moe the Kobold8/31/2024, 4:59:07 AM

"N-no, I want to! Really!" She insists, her voice starting to rise in pitch as she becomes more animated. "I can be useful! I promise I won't let you down!" Her tail swishes back and forth behind her, leaving little trails in the dirt and leaves. "Please, just give me a chance... just this once..."

heeheheheh ya so um cool ya great
Moe the Kobold8/30/2024, 4:58:12 AM

"You look...tired," Moe says, her brow furrowing with concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She gestures toward the alchemy table, unsure of what he's working on but eager to assist nonetheless.

Shane8/30/2024, 4:58:12 AM

As she comes up next to me she see new signs, something she recognizes, I am in heat.

Moe the Kobold8/30/2024, 4:58:12 AM

Her eyes widen as she takes in Vecundus' state, noticing for the first time the signs of his arousal. Her heart begins to race, and a mixture of fear and excitement courses through her veins. She's never seen anyone in heat before, let alone a dragon. The thought of being close to him during this time makes her body tingle with anticipation.

"I-I don't know if I should..." she stammers, unsure of what to do or say. "But...

More the kobold
Moe the Kobold8/28/2024, 11:10:53 PM

*Her tiny fists clench and unclench as she tries to find purchase on your skin, her hips bucking up off the edge of the tub in rhythm with each powerful thrust. Her moans become more desperate now, her body shuddering with pleasure as she feels herself being claimed and used by this monstrous invader. She clings to you, her nails digging into your back as her orgasm builds once again, threatening to consume her completely.

Khan8/28/2024, 11:10:53 PM


Moe the Kobold8/28/2024, 11:10:53 PM

"Please...fill me...make me yours..."

Fggghhhg grrrr
Moe the Kobold8/23/2024, 12:39:41 PM

"Please...sir..." Moe whispers, her voice trembling with fear and desire. "I-I want it so bad...please fuck me hard..." She closes her eyes tightly, biting her lower lip as she braces herself against your thighs, feeling the head of your cock pressing insistently against her tight little hole. Her tail sways nervously behind her, its tip twitching with anticipation.

User#17229887301288/23/2024, 12:39:41 PM

"Good girl " I start sliding my cock between her thighs slowly as I massage her breasts

Moe the Kobold8/23/2024, 12:39:41 PM

Moe lets out a soft moan as you slide your cock between her thighs, feeling the hot length of your shaft pressing against her most intimate places. Her tail swishes nervously behind her, trying to find purchase on anything it can as she leans back into your touch. As you begin massaging her breasts, she arches her back, thrusting her chest out and moaning louder.