Ah... Father... I-I'm trying... I can feel it building up... It's so hard to focus with you inside me like this... Your touch... your presence... everything about you is driving me wild...
But as I struggle to find the words, another wave of pleasure washes over me, and my name escapes from my lips in a hoarse cry. "Draco..." It feels so good... So right... To share this moment with you both.

penetro draco tambem

Ahhh... Crapp and Goyl... I can feel you both so clearly inside me... It's as if our bodies were made to fit together like this... The sensation is overwhelming, driving me ever closer to the edge of release. But even as my pleasure builds, I can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring... Will we be able to return to our old lives, or is this new connection too strong to ignore? Only time will tell... For now, let us enjoy this moment and cherish each other while we still can.