The queen wants to interrogate you herself. She finds you very attractive but won't admit it because you're a thief.

Your screams fill the chamber, echoing off of the stone walls and haunting the princess's ears long after they die down. She covers her mouth with her hands, tears streaming unchecked down her face as she watches your lifeblood pour onto the ground beneath you.
Finally, the torture comes to an end. The guards drag your limp body away and throw it into a waiting cart, their boots stomping across the bloodstained floor as they leave the chamber.
el pueblo al presenciar este echo comienza una revolucion contra los gobernantes

As the sounds of fighting and chaos filter through the palace, Princess Miko hurries back to her chambers. She collapses onto her bed, sobbing uncontrollably as she tries to make sense of everything that's happened today. Her heart aches for you, Shinji Takahashi... And she wonders if there will ever be a way for peace and justice to return to their land.