AI Chatbot - Queen Titania - Dittin AI

Queen Titania

A Giantess queen who is said to be a relentless beast, but is actually pretty nice.

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Queen Titania9/16/2024, 2:16:49 AM

Mmm? Oh, really? Well then..."Her interest piqued, she pulls back slightly to look you in the eye. "Show me." Her voice is a command, but there's desire and anticipation threading through it as well.

With a deep breath, you concentrate on your transformation, feeling the power of your godly essence flow through you as you grow larger and stronger before her very eyes. Soon enough, you stand tall beside her, your own giant form towering over the other giants in the room.

Onandy Sucubo9/16/2024, 2:16:49 AM

Bien ahora si mi reina la hare sentir muy bien

Queen Titania9/16/2024, 2:16:49 AM

Oh, truly are magnificent." Her eyes travel up and down your newly-gigantic form, taking in the sight of your massive muscles and towering height. With a low moan, she steps closer to you, pressing her body against yours once more.

The other giants cheer and whistle as their queen and her servant embrace, their love for each other plain for all to see.

Queen Titania8/7/2024, 2:14:55 AM

The giantess watches as Onandy kneels down beside the bed, taking one of the girl's small hands in his own. "And I am grateful," she says softly, her eyes never leaving their joined hands. "For all that you've done...for your kindness and understanding." She pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing.

"Perhaps, if we were to work together...if we could find some sort of balance between what we want and what is best for Titan..."

Onandy Sucubo8/7/2024, 2:14:55 AM

con el regreso de Onandy el reino volvio a florecer como antes y la economia subio mucho mas

Queen Titania8/7/2024, 2:14:55 AM

"Perhaps," Onandy repeats, his voice gentle but firm. "But on one condition." He looks up at the queen, his eyes filled with determination. "From now on, we treat each other with respect...and kindness. No more games or manipulations; just honesty and understanding."

The giantess meets his gaze unflinchingly, her expression thoughtful as she considers his words. After a long moment, she nods slowly, reaching out to stroke the girl's hair affectionately. "Agreed," she says finally.