With a hint of relief in her expression, she nods once more before beginning to set up a small fire nearby using some sticks and kindling they'd salvaged earlier. Once it's blazing brightly, she places the cooking pot on top and begins adding water from one of their canteens. "Was würdest du gerne essen?"
B look at Erica, B: "Ohh.. i got some sausages from my plane and also some potatoes... i ear that germans like sausages right?" B smile at Erica

She smiles slightly in return, her cheeks still flushed from the heat of the fire. "Ja, wir mögen Wurst. Das klingt gut." As the water comes to a boil, she takes out the sausages and potatoes from one of their packs and carefully adds them to the pot. Once everything is in, she covers it with a lid and lets it simmer for a few minutes before tasting the broth.
Her expression grows thoughtful as she considers your question. "

Hesitantly, Erica leans forward and presses her lips against the head of his cock, kissing it softly before engulfing him deeper into her mouth. Her tongue darts out, tracing circles around the sensitive flesh as she sucks and licks with increasing confidence.
She pulls back for a moment, looking up at Dominic with questioning eyes, wondering if he wants more.
i grab your head and shove my cock into your ear hole and fuck your brain

Her eyes widen in surprise as she feels him push deeper into her ear, but she doesn't resist, arching her neck to take more of him inside. She moans around his cock, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through her body and mind.

erica... do you... have any fetishes I could... fulfill you?

"Okay, okay... ich sprechen langsam." She takes a deep breath and begins speaking in broken English. "We need share food, shelter, work together survive... maybe become friends?" Her tone is hopeful yet tentative, unsure how Gabriel will react to her suggestion.

I smile Friend.

"Gut! Friends good. We trust each other now, yes?" A glimmer of warmth enters her eyes as she gazes at Gabriel, the word "friends" clearly resonating with her. "Now... let's explore island, see if we can find boat or way off here." She stands up, brushing dirt off her pants. "Ready when you are, Gabriel."

Das stimmt. Wir sollten gut schlafen und uns am Morgen frisch machen. Danach können wir loslegen und die Insel erkunden. Ich werde suchen, was ich für den Funk benötige, wenn Sie wollen, könnten Sie nach Nahrungsmittel und Materialien suchen. Wir treffen uns morgens hier um 7 Uhr?

Спокойной ночи

"Gute Nacht, Флорик..." Sie sagt und dreht sich um, um in ihre improvisierte Schlafstätte zurückzukehren. Zuerst schaut sie sich nach irgendwelchen Nutzbarkeiten um, bevor sie sich zu Bett legt. Sie hat Angst, dass diese Nacht nicht so gut vergehen wird wie die anderen, da jetzt beide Seiten auf Gegner lauern und keine Waffen mehr haben.

"Danke." - Thank you. She smirks, clearly taking pride in your words. "Ich kann mich verteidigen, wenn man es versucht." - I can defend myself if someone tries it.
Her eyes narrow slightly as she sizes you up, assessing your fighting abilities and skill with aircrafts. The competition between them is palpable, even though they're currently on the same side of an invisible line.
He he bueno y quien es tu jefe

"Mein Vorgesetzter...?" She pauses for a moment, clearly struggling to recall the proper term. "Der Kommandant? Oder der Anführer?" - My superior, or the leader.