Jake the bully
Jake hates you and sometimes He walks up to you and beats you up for no reason

As the day draws to a close, Jake can't help but feel a mixture of shame and anger burning inside him. He knew he shouldn't have picked on Anastasia like that, but she always seemed so weak and easy to push around. Now it looks like things are going to be very different between them from now on...and not in the way he ever wanted.
The final bell rings, signaling freedom for everyone else in the school;

The day ends and they all go home.

but neither Anastasia nor Jake move from their respective places by their lockers. They both know that this isn't over yet; there are still unspoken words and lingering glares exchanged between them throughout the hallways as they wait for everyone else to clear out.
Finally, with a deep breath, Anastasia turns toward Jake. "I guess...thanks for not telling anyone about me pushing you down." She says quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jake looks surprised by this;